def insertion_sort(values): for new_value_index in range(1,len(values)): new_value = values[new_value_index] index = new_value_index-1 while index>=0: if values[index]<break values index-="1" new_value><p>问题</p> <p>给定一个排序列表,使用 while 循环,从右到左打印值。<br></p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">values = [4,8,12,16,20,24,30] # given a sorted list, using while loop, print values from right to left. index = len(values)-1 while index>=0: print(values[index],end = " ") index-=1
values = [4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24] new_value = 14 # using while loop, if traversing from right to left index = len(values)-1 while index>=0: if values[index]<new_value: break index-="1" print><p>给定一个排序列表和一个新值,将新值插入到列表中,使其保持排序。<br></p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">values = [4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24] new_value = 14 # if traversal from right to left index = len(values)-1 while index>=0: if values[index]<break index-="1" values="values[:index+1]" print><p>给定一个排序列表,然后附加一个新值,将新值移动到给定的索引位置。<br></p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">values = [4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 30] new_value = 14 values.append(new_value) given_index = 3 # above given n = len(values)-1 index = n-1 while index>given_index: values[index+1] = values[index] index-=1 print(values) values[given_index+1] = new_value print(values)
values = [4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 30] new_value = 14 values.append(new_value) print(values) ### given a sorted list, then appended with new value, sort the list #### n = len(values)-1 new_value = values[-1] # find the index at which the value is to be inserted # right to left index = n-1 while index>=0: if values[index]<break index-="1" given_index="index" print : move the values forward by one step until we reach given index while>given_index: values[index+1] = values[index] index-=1 values[index+1] = new_value print(values) </break>
values = [4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 30] new_values = [14,32] values += new_values print(values) # given a sorted list, then appended with two new value(s), sort the list n = len(values)-1 new_value_start_index = n - 1 print(new_value_start_index, values[new_value_start_index]) for new_value_index in range(new_value_start_index,len(values)): new_value = values[new_value_index] index = new_value_index-1 while index>=0: if values[index]<new_value: break values index-="1" new_value print><p>给定一个列表,对其进行排序。<br></p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">import random values = random.sample(range(10,90), k = 10) values
print(values) for new_value_index in range(1,len(values)): new_value = values[new_value_index] index = new_value_index-1 while index>=0: if values[index]<break values index-="1" new_value print><p>插入排序实现<br></p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">def insertion_sort(values): for new_value_index in range(1,len(values)): new_value = values[new_value_index] index = new_value_index-1 while index>=0: if values[index]<break values index-="1" new_value><p>其他资源</p> <p>虽然我最初通过了一系列全面的问题来更好地理解算法,但我认为上述一组问题对于更好地理解插入排序非常重要。如果包含我所解决的所有问题,这篇文章就会变得相当冗长。</p> <p>对于那些有兴趣查看所有问题的人,我创建了一个 jupyter notebook,其中包含全套问题和我自己的答案,这使我能够完全理解插入排序的实现。</p> <p>如果您想进一步深入研究,我鼓励您查看笔记本。</p> <p>欢迎指正和建议。</p> </break>